Ishtiaq Hasan

lifeforce & Conscious Intimacy Mentor

rad·​i·​cal: basic principle; foundation. existing inherently in a thing or person

er·os: physical love; desire. libido; lifeforce. instincts for preservation

Something in your heart is calling you towards more.

But to get there involves taking a risk, and the moment you feel that risk, the fear hits—hard. It wraps around your chest, sucks out the air, and screams at you to run in the other way. After all, your life as it is depends on you staying the same, so you repeat the same patterns, feed the same stories, and get the same dissatisfying results. Anxiety and depression set in and you lose your zest for life.

If you knew that having a life and being alive are two different things…

what would you choose?

ways to work


private mentorship

men’s group

men’s rite of Passage


events + Workshops

“Train yourself to be in awe of the subtle, and you will live in a world of beauty and ease.”

— ish hasan

hey, I am ish.

Everyone wants to know where they fit in life.

I know I did.

I spent most of my life searching for purpose and security by morphing into someone other than myself. I became good at blending in and immersing myself completely within a world that wasn’t mine in my attempt to find solace and comfort and not feel alone.

While the web of attractive externalizations I had created to to hide my shameful core were comfortable, the inner voice of the inauthenticity of my life never quieted down.

After a decade of parsing out my own truth and living a life that's become closer to my essence, my purpose and greatest joy is to guide others back into the reclamation of their own.

“There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there’s another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity.”

— Rumi