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Hypothetical Biography (Part II)

Hypothetical Biography

The Child Must Survive
Why should we lose the child, the one that questions everything, says the most random things at the most inopportune times, and has no limits for imagination? This is a gift, and the child must survive.


Minimalism is not just about owning less. It is about not collecting just for the sake of collecting. It is about creating an outer expanse through less mindless consumption, so there is space to look and feel inwards and understand what lies deep within ourselves.

Embracing Fear of Failure (or How I Learned to Not Worry about Getting There and Enjoy the Journey instead)

Being OK with Being Alone

Finding Comfort in Impermanence
Knowing that impermanence is the only permanent concept in this world isn't enough. We have to take that step further, and that action requires not craving or averting from what's present in the moment.